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BTS Chinese zodiac signs: Animal and personality traits of V, RM, Suga, Jungkook

As the world prepares to celebrate the Chinese New Year, have you ever wondered about the animal signs and personality traits of your favorite BTS members? Seollal (설날), the Korean New Year or Lunar New Year, is a significant holiday with festivities typically spanning three days. Similar to the Chinese New Year, Seollal is observed in Korea, and BTS members often celebrate it alongside ARMYs, exchanging wishes for luck and happiness.
Also read: History of Chinese New Year celebrations in China
From the charming V and wise RM to the savage Suga, spirited Jungkook, endearing Jimin, reliable Jin, and vibrant J-Hope, discovering their zodiac traits offers a fascinating peek into their one-of-a-kind personalities.
Jin aka Kim Seok Jin
Date of Birth: December 4, 1992
Chinese Zodiac sign: Monkey
Personality trait: Sharp, witty, curious, resourceful, adaptable, but can be mischievous, and attention grabber.
Suga aka Min Yoongi
Date of Birth: March 9, 1993
Chinese Zodiac sign: Rooster
Personality trait: Observant, hardworking, courageous, honest, outspoken, but can be critical, blunt, and stubborn.
J-Hope aka Jung Hoseok
Date of Birth: February 18, 1994
Chinese Zodiac sign: Dog
Personality trait: Loyal, honest, reliable, responsible, protective, but can be judgmental, stubborn
Also read: BTS and Grammys: Could a win have impacted their military service?
RM aka Kim Namjoon
Date of Birth: September 12, 1994
Chinese Zodiac sign: Dog
Personality trait: Faithful, honest, reliable, accountable, watchful, although can be critical and stubborn.
Park Jimin aka Jimin
Date of Birth: October 13, 1995
Chinese Zodiac sign: Pig
Personality traits : Compassionate, generous, easygoing, peaceful, optimistic, but can be naive and lazy
V aka Kim Taehyung
Date of Birth: December 30, 1995
Chinese Zodiac sign: Pig
Personality traits: faithful, upbeat, kind-hearted, and well-tempered. The personalities of those born in the Year of the Pig are straightforward and honest.
Jungkook aka Jeong Jungkook
Date of Birth: September 1, 1997
Chinese Zodiac sign: OX
Personality trait: Hardworking, reliable, patient, strong, honest, but can be stubborn.
